Project Passport World History Studies
Pack your bags and grab your passport - take a trip through history and discover cultures at another era of time!

• To prepare you for your journey, we have equipped you with a passport and luggage folder, which once made will take you through all the Project Passport studies to come!

• Included are 25 "Stops" where you will witness exciting events and meet interesting people. Each stop has Guide Book Text to read on a topic, and an Itinerary for project choices and directions. Masters for all printables are included.

• Among the 50 or more projects to choose from in each study, travelers will create a Scrapbook of Sights, dine on common cuisine, report on important people and happenings, make "souvenirs" to remember their stay, complete a lap book, collect postcards, listen to dramatized recordings of amazing moments in history, and so much more!
• Travel Tips include helps for preparing and navigating the study. Also included is a resource list of additional books and audio/video/music suggestions you may like to add to enrich your studies! A Quick-Stop Itinerary gives you a "guide-at-a-glance," allowing you to see the whole schedule of upcoming topics and projects in a concise format.
Are you ready for a journey? Click on one of the Project Passports, and lets go!