Time Travelers U.S. History Studies
Leave text books and workbooks aside and bring your child right into the adventure with hands-on projects in every lesson!

• Each lesson begins with a briefly written Lesson Text followed by activity choices to reinforce the topic. Choose the activities that work best for your family!

• Also included are Project Pages providing directions, supplies needed, and illustrations for each of the projects. A Photo Gallery also offers a visual aid of the final outcome of the projects.

• Beautifully detailed Masters are provided for all printable projects! The Project Pages will provide printing instructions.

• Five "Project Days" are built into the schedule to help allow for extra time to complete outstanding projects.
• Teacher Helps include tips for preparing and organizing, as well as a resource list of books, videos, audio suggestions, and websites to enrich your studies! A one-page Lesson Plan Schedule gives you a "guide-at-a-glance," allowing you to see the whole schedule of upcoming topics and projects on one page.
Are you ready to hit the trails? Click on one of the Time Travelers, and lets go!