Posted by Amy Pak on
Hello, friends! Welcome to our new blog! We’ve been making some new changes this year, from revamping our website to expanding the “A La Carte” section, and now our communication with you! By offering a blog, I’ll have the opportunity to share with you nuggets of wisdom we’ve gleaned over the many years of educating our children as well as various tips and treasures we’ve discovered along the way.
There were times during our homeschool years where I felt discouraged, defeated, and disorganized — If only I knew then what I know now! But hind-sight is 20/20, eh? It helped tremendously to talk to those who had already walked the path before me, or find like-minded people who had already struggled with something and had encouragement they could share with us. Or even a breath of fresh air for those times we were trudging through to just get to the end of the school year… everyone needs a bit of bolstering or a new perspective on occasion! That’s what I hope to do here for you.
Although all four of our kids are now grown and into their own lives, we’ve got several grandchildren beginning their journey in homeschooling, and I am already anticipating special “History with Maimy” days (that’s me, by the way ;-)! When I once thought the door would close on that chapter in my life, I’m happy to see it not ending — just changing!
I’m also excited to begin my blog as I feel I’ll be able to really get more personal with you… give you a glimpse into my life and hopefully come alongside you with yours. I’ve got so much to share with you! On occasion I’ll also have guest authors when there are specific topics I believe would benefit moms and educators. So, whether its ideas, inspiration, refreshment, or just thoughts at the moment, I hope you’ll find words here that will encourage you along your journey!